Kanga Loaders' Blog

Arborist Martin Hunt with his Kanga Loader

Experienced Arborist Finds His Passion for Kanga Loaders

The Kanga Team January 20, 2021

Martin Hunt an arborist based in Boscobel, Wisconsin, has recently discovered Kanga and went for it. Turns out it’s a great addition to his tree service business, saving him a lot of time and money.

We took the opportunity to ask him a few questions about his new loader to find out what he thinks.

Tell us a little about yourself and your business – how did you get involved in the industry?

“I became involved in the tree removal business out of a passion for the work. I really enjoy all aspects of the industry. The technical know-how, the equipment, and the satisfaction on making large improvements you can see in a short time is very gratifying.”

Why did you buy a Kanga for your arborist business?

“I bought a Kanga because I was looking for a machine able to accomplish the tasks I work with daily and I knew the short comings of track machines and the headaches they can create.”

Have you tried other mini loaders and how do they compare?

“I had rented and operated Vermeer, Dingo, and Bobcat mini track machines in the past and I was looking for a machine able to withstand the work. Going over curbs, ditches, and debris is hard on track machines. Although track machines may do the work, I knew the track systems would eventually require large maintenance needs and expense the rubber-tired Kanga would not. I also appreciate how light the Kanga is in comparison to track machines. This enables me to transport and load more per trip also saving me time and money.”

Moving logs and branches with a Kanga Loader

How do you like the ride on a Kanga?

“Although I was not immediately able to master Kanga’s controls, I have come to appreciate their ease of use and what the Kanga can do in its ability to maneuver compared to pilot controls as on other machines. My ability to rotate 180 degrees with the Kanga in place allows me to more safely traverse difficult obstacles and avoid potential damage/injuries to men and machine.”

How often do you use your Kanga in your arborist business and what kinds of work do you carry out?

“The Kanga has become an integral part of my arborist business. It gets used the entire day and is always working. What we are able to accomplish with the Kanga in terms of productivity, safety, and longevity has propelled our business to heighten goals and drastically increase profitability. We used to use mini loaders simply for loading and unloading large wood as well as some clean up. Now the machine is pulling, carrying, raking, loading, and assisting in clean up to an extent my workers are much happier. Pre Mini, our tasks on site required much more hand raking, wheel barrowing, and difficult lifting. The Kanga is a back saver!”

Kanga Loader Tree Services

What attachments do you have?

“I own the Kanga fork tine attachment, a 5′ rake, a 5′ light material bucket, and a snowplow.

We utilize the forks for loading and unloading tools on the jobsite, pulling large brush to the chipper, lifting heavy logs, and assisting in felling.

5′ reversible rake is of my own creation and has been a game changer. What would have taken hours to clean up can now be accomplished in minutes. My workers have very little raking now. Nobody ever really liked raking (including me).

Our very large bucket allows us to clean up our job site easily and with considerably less effort than hand loading wheelbarrows and dumping them in the chipper box. The Kanga handles the bucket with ease.
Another reason why I bought a Kanga is that I felt the tires would work much better in the snow versus tracks. I haven’t tried my snow plow yet but managed to clear some snow with my bucket!”

Kanga Loader Tree Services Mini Skid Steer Attachments

What do you like most about your Kanga?

“There are many things, but mostly the help with difficult lifting which makes our work safer and more efficient. The Kanga can traverse curbs and ditches much better than track machines I have used in the past. Our loader also has a very small footprint, which enables us to use it in tight spaces as well as maximize trip efficiency when transporting.

Other than that, it is easy to maintain, fuel efficient (Kubota Diesel).

The Kanga really will surprise you with its ability to lift much more than what you would think a machine this size would lift.”

Can you provide a reason as to why you would recommend a Kanga to other business owners/arborists?

“Kanga and my rep Martin O’Grady have been great to work with. Very responsive, helpful, and knowledgeable.”

Moving Tree logs with a Kanga Loader

Want to see arborist Martin in action?

Watch this video.

Want to find out more about our loaders and how they could benefit your business? Give us a call at 833 305 2642 or visit our contact page. Visit our Youtube Channel for more videos of arborists and landscapers in action.

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