
Kanga Loaders' News

  • 4in1 bucket on a Kanga Compact Loader filled with dirt

    How to Service Your Kanga Mini 4in1 Bucket

    The Kanga Team March 23, 2020

    Even though a key feature of the Kanga Mini 4in1 bucket is low maintenance, there are a couple of checks you can do before each use to make sure you work efficiently and safely. We recommend you carry out the following steps on a regular basis, to ensure the best performance of your Kanga Mini […]

  • Daily Checks for your Kanga Loader

    Kanga Loader Service Tips – Daily Inspection

    Leo Contador February 18, 2020

    Do you operate your Kanga daily? To keep your machine running at optimum performance, you want to make sure to carry out a few easy and quick Kanga Loader service checks on your compact loader. Read on for a summary of the most important points. 1. Grease Nipples Check your grease nipples along the pivot […]

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